It got cold this week and so my mind switched over from shipping plants to making plants.  We do a lot of plant production in the winter and for three very good reasons.  First of all, many plants only divide and grow good in the winter.  These would be all of the Carexes (sedges to normal people).  […]


As I understand it, I am to write about what I feel each week and even though it was snowing this morning I feel like shipping plants. A day in the nursery business without shipping seems to be a day wasted. Most of our customers are in Chicago—2-3 hours away, or in the greater Detroit […]


We attend all of the regional nursery conventions and trade shows during the winter. We have a booth and we try to sell things while giving the illusion that we are taking the business seriously and trying. Then, we go around the convention hall and harass all of the other groundcover growers. Sometimes we learn […]


Twixwood is now entering the Twenty-first Century, albeit eighteen years late. We are going to have a blog even if we do not know what one of them is. They tell me it is the latest thing and that I am going to be the blog writer because everyone else at the nursery is busy […]