Tom’s Blog

The purpose of this blog is reassurance. We do not care about the specifics, only that everyone ends up reassured by the end of it. We have had a full production crew working since early January making liners of perennials, grasses, and carexes. Another full crew has been making Vinca minor 105 plugs and since […]
This time of the year I have the opportunity to go through all of the many nursery magazines and other periodicals that we subscribe to, including Nursery Management published out of Valley View, Ohio, and specifically the December 2020 issue. We are reminded, in that publication, that Calamintha nepeta subsp. nepeta is the 2021 Perennial […]
Read More...When I am not spending my time worrying about which new plants to grow, how to sell the ones we have too many of, how to make more of the ones that the customers want but never told us they were going to want making us guess wildly which involves gambling with my retirement funds […]
Read More...As you may imagine, several things happen when the weather turns cool. Cool weather plants begin to thrive again, as they did in the early spring and as they did not during the heat of August. Galium odoratum, Sweet Woodruff, Bed Straw, is one of them. This plant is different than the traditional groundcovers in […]
Two things happen to the wholesale perennial grower this time of the year. First of all the plants are getting over-grown, or flowered out, or a little bit dormant. They have arrived at the tail end of a long hard growing season. Second of all, the wholesale nursery owner has one last chance here in […]
This is the time of year that the native grasses look their best and I am referring to the Big and Little Bluestems. We have in production three of Intrinsic’s patented Andropopgon gerardii varieties—‘Black Hawks’ PPAF, ‘Indian Warrior’ PP#24,999, ‘Red October’ PP#26,283. Except that we will not have ‘Black Hawks’ liners until early next summer, […]
And I should say mostly Sporobolus heterolepis liners and specifically S. ‘Tara’ liners of which we have 20,000 2 ½” pots all ready to go and maybe not too root bound. I am too busy writing these things to go out and look. That is 700 flats of the 32 count SVDs. I remember a […]
The purpose of today’s Blog is to give the impression, or illusion, whichever you prefer, that we are a big-time organization although I realize that the customer is less interested in our personal problems than in their own and if we are out of a product that they need it does not matter our size […]
And so today I went out on a limb and asked the sales personages what I should push in my next blog. Things did not get off to a good start because, by way of introduction, I just said that I was going to write another blog. I did not think that “good grief” and […]