As you may imagine, several things happen when the weather turns cool.  Cool weather plants begin to thrive again, as they did in the early spring and as they did not during the heat of August.  Galium odoratum, Sweet Woodruff, Bed Straw, is one of them.  This plant is different than the traditional groundcovers in […]


This is the time of year that the native grasses look their best and I am referring to the Big and Little Bluestems.  We have in production three of Intrinsic’s patented Andropopgon gerardii varieties—‘Black Hawks’ PPAF,  ‘Indian Warrior’ PP#24,999, ‘Red October’ PP#26,283.  Except that we will not have ‘Black Hawks’ liners until early next summer, […]


The purpose of today’s Blog is to give the impression, or illusion, whichever you prefer, that we are a big-time organization although I realize that the customer is less interested in our personal problems than in their own and if we are out of a product that they need it does not matter our size […]


Todays blog is about money and not about foisting some odds and ends that are not selling upon the unsuspecting public and the reason is that I suspect that we are running out of unsuspecting. We are out here in the middle of rural Michigan and thus far from the sources of scuttlebutt and information. […]


Sales patterns have been strange this year which makes our faith in the computer to do prognostications for us to wane.  To start with we are already sold out of quite a few items.  I inquired to the computer keeper and I am told that it is the small volume items that we are sold […]


Every so often I ask my sales people for suggestions on what topics to discuss in these blogs. I value the time that our customers give to reading them and hope to use that time wisely. I am about to stop soliciting suggestions from the sales people and mostly because they want me to tell […]


One would think, would they not, that anyone in the groundcover business would be chary of bringing up the delicate subject of weeds.  I may regret it by the end of this blog, but for now it seems like the right thing to do.  It all started with the May/June 2020 edition of “Horticulture” Magazine, […]