Many years ago I used to do actual work and one of the jobs consisted of writing up the descriptions for our plant availability listing, catalog, price list, or whatever the politically correct term is that we should use these days. I decided that if our customers were smart enough to be able to make […]
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Now that I am running a nursery again I am starting to think. Firstly, I am thinking that I should have spent my younger years thinking instead of just working hard. It took me many years to get past the management model I inherited from the parents. They only knew how to work hard, and […]
Read More...The restaurant business and the nursery business are similar in that we are judged every day by the product that we turn out and it is a complex product to produce and to do so with absolute consistency and quality. That is why I am considering becoming a Hindu—they get to believe in reincarnation with […]
Read More...And so now they tell me what I am supposed to be doing with these blogs—I am supposed to be selling stuff. And here I have been plumbing the depths of my psyche trying to figure out how I feel every morning, searching for material to write about. It may take a while for me […]
Read More...Recently, we got access to half an acre of Equisetum hyemale, Scouring Rush or Horsetail. The normal well-adjusted person would not get so excited by this development although we are effervescent. The reason for the normal person’s lack of enthusiasm is, doubtless, because the plant is not very beautiful and it is a “born colonizer” […]
Read More...It got cold this week and so my mind switched over from shipping plants to making plants. We do a lot of plant production in the winter and for three very good reasons. First of all, many plants only divide and grow good in the winter. These would be all of the Carexes (sedges to normal people). […]
Read More...As I understand it, I am to write about what I feel each week and even though it was snowing this morning I feel like shipping plants. A day in the nursery business without shipping seems to be a day wasted. Most of our customers are in Chicago—2-3 hours away, or in the greater Detroit […]
Read More...We are busily preparing for Spring here at the nursery. Mostly this consists of going over the cash flow to see if we can make it through the year and how many tractors we can afford to buy and how much gravel we can get to fill the potholes and what to do about […]
Read More...We attend all of the regional nursery conventions and trade shows during the winter. We have a booth and we try to sell things while giving the illusion that we are taking the business seriously and trying. Then, we go around the convention hall and harass all of the other groundcover growers. Sometimes we learn […]
Read More...And so our nursery social media person has informed me that I need to pound out a Blog once a week which I am sure would be lovely if I knew what social media was or what a blog is supposed to do or, better yet, if someone told me who has the time to […]